Saturday, May 2, 2009

Snobbery hurts the snob!

I had a life lesson this week.

Frequently I'll search blogs for tea party ideas and this week I stumbled across one for a self-avowed Tea Lover.  Right.  Tea Snob is a better description.  Why, you ask?  The author spewed on and on over several posts about the inferior quality of store-bought bagged tea and even went so far to say that using such things was akin to using nothing but dried grass.  Wow!

At first I was really affronted!  How dare she! But as the week went on, I realized I'm actually very sorry for her and all of those people out there like her.  I won't deny that good quality loose-leaf tea is a wonderful treat.  That isn't the point. Quality costs more because it almost always does taste better.

BUT, just because something is 'better' doesn't make it the only thing nor does it mean that the cheaper option isn't enjoyable.  And that's why I feel sorry for this woman.   I can sit in my school nook with a steaming hot cup of Lipton with honey and get the same sense of cozy warmness I get from a cup of imported, expensive loose-leaf tea.  The difference is that when I don't have enough money for expensive tea I can still sit in my nook and enjoy myself, where the other poor soul will only sit and think about what she had in the past or what she may have in the future.

There is much value in being content with our circumstances!

And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts

which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1 Timothy6:8-9

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